Come on Warriors fans. Admit it. You’re nervous.
I know I am. All of this optimism and hype has me scared as hell.
I don’t like it.
I’ve been through too much. Too much pain, going back to the beginnings of my Warriors fandom in the “Y” era – Sleepy, Mully, Terry, Joe Barry, Larry, Purvis-y. Throw in Winny and Telly too.
My time as a Golden State Warriors fan is nearing the 30-year mark. The team has made the playoffs just seven times in my era. No trips to the NBA Finals. No Western Conference Finals appearances.
I worked for the Warriors for three years. They won 19, 17 and 21 games, respectively. I miraculously never entered rehab during that timeframe.
So forgive me if I’m not applauding the work of this newfound hype machine whipping out piece after piece of Warriors praise like the now-retired Thunder shooting T-shirts from his cannon.
ESPN recently ranked Steph Curry as the sixth best player in the NBA. Ahead of Dwight Howard, Kyrie Irving, Derrick Rose, Marc Gasol, Carmelo Anthony, Kobe Bryant and a whole bunch of other All Pro and All Stars. I love Curry, but can the guy make one of the All Pro teams or at least play consistently a little bit longer than one year before ranking him that high?
I can’t remember a player that was as universally respected, admired and well-liked as Curry. Say something negative about Curry and you’ll get treated like John Edwards walking into a feminist cancer treatment center.
Curry also graced one of four covers for the Sports Illustrated NBA Preview issue. The caption calls the Warriors the “new Showtime” and “true contenders.” Grantland’s Bill Simmons and Zach Lowe say they are the most fun team to watch in the NBA by a wide margin. Several well-known “experts” are predicting the team makes its first trip to the NBA Finals since the 1974-75 season. Which also means its first trip to the Western Conference Finals since 75-76.
That’s a big jump. A whole different kind of leap year.
Can this Warriors team do what We Believe and Run TMC never did? I’m not ready to go there yet. New ownership, better players and “Hey stupid look at the stats” arguments aren’t enough for my mind to overcome the history.
At least not yet. This is probably my favorite Warriors team ever. Last season was the greatest gift of my Warriors fandom career. It was a remarkable season and this year’s team should be better. But I can’t even confidently say they’ll get out of the second round. I would be ecstatic with a trip to the Western Conference Finals. In disbelief and shock if they made the NBA Finals.
The way Jordan Ramirez would feel if Kanye West and Kim Kardashian adopted him? That’s how I’d feel if the Warriors won the championship.
The Warriors have conditioned me to take a glass half-empty approach.
I’m like an abused child whose dad just got out of prison for kicking my ass. Last season for the Warriors was that dad getting all cleaned up, coaching your baseball team and taking you to the park. This year he wants to move back in with you and mom. Do I really just go all in that soon?
I say keep dad out of the house for at least one more year to see if he’s really changed. Fans and media are like the mom just letting dad get right back into her bed.
Don’t do it mom!
I agree with Taylor. I am also a little unsure about all the pre-season hype. I’m not sure if I can go “all in” with the Warriors until they play a few more games. The Bogut sign was a great step in the right direction and will keep the core of the franchise strong! The child abuse comparison was pretty good. A little odd for talking about basketball, but I loved the edgy humor. I amd a little scared after the preseason but hopefully it will be an awesome and healthy season!
For years the Warriors have played down to Sacto’s level. They have to stop this as every loss is critical in a race for the top. It is now even more challenging as the Sacto coach knows every Warrior player’s strengths and weaknesses.
The question yet to be answered is whether the team believes all the hype. If they do there will be some early season losses to teach them that they have to make the maximum effort every game. If this happens, let’s hope they learn fast.
funny stuff!
Being nervous is an understatement. I got depressed after consecutive losses to Sac and Portland. I know its pre-season, but losing the way they did after squandering a sizable lead? Great teams don’t do that. For a while there I had hoped Jarett Jack would come in to stabilize the team.
Hype or no hype, i’m a Warrior fan for life. With Bogut signed up for the next 3 years, we have a core that will keep the Bay Area rockin’. GO WARRIORS!
While I see where you’re coming from Jesse, as a warriors can of so long with your ” don’t hope, don’t hurt” approach. But I am disappointed in the very pessimistic outlook you have on the team, Not just as a warriors fan but as a sports fan in general. This sounds like something the heat fans would he saying as the exited the arena in the finals resulting in them begging to get back in. Hopefully you don’t waste your money on games this season like they did.
Jordan Ramirez needs to get a life.
Hi Jesse,
Pretty funny stuff, the abused child comparison is classic
I too feel your pain. The Dubs have not looked the greatest this preseason.
One thing I do know is that the season will be a hell of a ride!!
Lets just sit back and enjoy.
Thanks again