Report from forum poster Dalan who was at the Season Ticket Holder renewal even last night. One of 'maybe' a series of events across the bay area where the Warriors are talking to season ticket holders that haven't renewed. Rowell and Riley were the representatives from the W's. Rowell fielded the questions below.
1. You previously stated on the STH conference call that 1 playoff appearance in 5 years is unacceptable regarding Chris Mullin. Yet you have been the Team President since 2003 and with the team in various other capacities since 1995. So, if it's unacceptable that Chris Mullin got the Warriors to the playoffs once in 5 seasons, where does that leave you? And ultimately, where does that leave Chris Cohan, who has owned the team since 1994?
He started out addressing this, talking about Mullin. He's in charge of the money aspect (I laughed a little at that) and is doing his job in that way. But if after 3 years, the Warriors don't make the playoffs, they're all gone; Rowell, Riley, and Nelson.
2. Why should any of us here renew our season tickets, especially those of us in "Club 200,” if you're going to "screw us” and that's quoting you Mr. Rowell from your interview with Golden State of Mind, by selling $8 tickets?
I asked him this 1 on 1, and he had no good answer for me. He said sorry. And that we should try to get me down to the lower level. (and double the amount of money I'd be paying) I said that's not going to happen, and I'd rather buy tickets to a couple of games that I'd actually want to see, rather than be "screwed" again.
3. You talk about "competing for a playoff spot" – shouldn't the emphasis be on winning a championship?
He said yes. Absolutely. But this is the Warriors. They're shooting for the playoffs, and he thinks they'll be there next year, and then building on that, keeping the young guys here and not mortgaging the future, ie Randolph, Monta, and Morrow. Riley talked about 2, 3, and 5 year plans. But conveniently, they can't get into specifics.
4. What do you believe it takes to win a championship in the NBA – & given your answer, looking back at the past 10 or so NBA champions, please give your assessment as to how close this team is to that level and what will it take to for this team to get there?
Older guys, leadership, defense, and rebounding. The Warriors need all of them and there was a little talk about developing the current roster to attain these things, but they're answers made me laugh to myself. Basically, it's not going to happen with the current roster.
5. Does this franchise have a direction it wants to go in, and if so what is it?
Run and gun. Add a leader at either the 1 or the 3/4 who can "drive the bus" like Baron, Nash, or Hardaway did. And some "beef" as Riley put it. Need to get better at all of the things I mentioned above. Leadership, defense, and rebounding