image00080424.jpg What were some of the best/worst moments from your tenure as Warriors Head Coach?

E Muss: The best was the day I was hired; the worst, the day I was fired.

It was hard in the summer after first year when Jamison was traded. I really enjoyed coaching him.

I was proud after the first year when, as a team, in training camp we set a goal of being the most improved team in the NBA and we accomplished that. What is your opinion on Warriors Management i.e. Chris Mullin, Robert Rowell and Chris Cohan, is winning their first priority?

E Muss: Mully is the ultimate competitor. He wakes up every day trying to make the Warriors a winner. I believe that. He has a great perspective, both of short term and the long term.

I enjoyed working with Bobby and Chris. As a young coach, they believed in me enough to take a big risk on a first time NBA head coach. I will always be grateful to them. Now after a few years, what would you have done differently as Warriors Head Coach?

E Muss: There are things I’d do differently. If you’ve got a couple of hours sometime, we can go through them. I’m joking, but I do look back, recognize where I could have done some things differently, and think about ways to improve moving forward. Favorite Warrior players from your time as Head Coach?

E Muss: I really liked the guys both seasons especially that first season with the W’s. Gilbert, Antawn, Brian Cardinal, Earl, Speedy, Troy, Damp, Adonal, Bobby Sura, Avery — lots of good guys on both rosters. Most difficult player to work with?

E Muss: Nick Van Excel was a challenge for a number of reasons, including the fact that he was dealing with injuries. Did you agree with the decision to draft Mike Dunleavy or were you advocating for another player?

E Muss: I didn’t come on board until after the draft, so I wasn’t involved in any of the draft prep. Thoughts on Gilbert Arenas, any funny story(s) you can share with us?

E Muss: Every day was a fun day with Gil. He has a great personality. Eventually, he and I developed a good level of trust with one another. We still talk and text. He’s one of those guys I’m really thankful for having the opportunity to coach. What are your thoughts on the Current Warriors Team?

E Muss: They’re a fun team to watch. They had a great season last year and the playoff run the year before was a lot of fun for the Bay Area. Is Monta Ellis ready for stardom?

E Muss: I think he’s already a star. There aren’t many young players in the league who can score like Ellis does. And he will only get better over the next couple of seasons. What are the league wide thoughts on Monta Ellis, Andris Biedrins, Stephen Jackson and Al Harrington?

E Muss:
Around the league, people have a lot of respect for Ellis and Biedrins,
who are two of the NBA’s best players. They’re great pieces for the
future. I love watching them play — great energy.

Jackson and Harrington are solid veteran players who play to win. Is there a more dedicated fan base than Warrior Fans? 1 successful season in 15 years yet they still come out and pack the building.

E Muss: I’ve told people again and again that the Warriors have the best fans in the NBA. I really believe that. Knowledgeable, as objective as loyal fans can be, and passionate. What is the Biggest Challenge of being an NBA Head Coach? What is the normal day to day routine?

E Muss: Daily preparation is critical, especially for a young coach.

– practice planning
– practice
– media time
– communication with players and management
– film work – film study
– meeting with asst coaches
– eat, sleep, and work out What Coaches do you admire?

E Muss: There are a bunch of coaches I really admire, but I have a great deal of respect for the coaches I’ve had the honor of working with.
Chuck Daly, Mike Fratello, Doc Rivers, Lon Kruger, and Hubie Brown, who I worked for one summer on a tour of France.

I’ve always admired Pat Riley and Flip Saunders, who I’ve known for more than 30 years. And Avery Johnson is a guy I admire, as well. What do you miss most about coaching in the NBA?

E Muss: The social aspect, the relationships. You build lifetime relationships with players and coaches and the staff. I’ve always enjoyed that camaraderie and teamwork. What is an aspect of coaching that fans don’t see or understand?

E Muss: That’s hard to say. I don’t care if you’re an NBA coach, an accountant, a salesman, or a reporter — every profession has unique challenges. I’m not sure people realize how much work the assistant coaches do on film work and the hours the video guys put in. It’s off the charts. What 3 tips would you give to a youth basketball coach?

E Muss: First, be positive with the kids and bring energy and enthusiasm.

Two, really work on fundamentals. I think ball-handling work is critical regardless of position.

And three, focus on helping the kids get better. Teach them the game. Any rule changes you’d like to see in the NBA?

E Muss: I like the rules as they are. Thoughts on Team USA? Areas for improvement?

E Muss: Coach K and the staff have done a great job with the team. The only soft spot I’ve seen in the last few games is perimeter shooting and free-throw shooting. Rebounding might be a factor down the line. Your Thoughts on

E Muss: You’ve got a great site with tons of information for any Warriors fan. I know it’s a lot of work and you guys do a great job with it.


Specal Thanks to Eric Musselman for spending some time with