How long have you been a Warriors fan?
Probably since my first game, around 1988ish.
Fav. Current Warrior?
Don't really have one…Haven't had one in a while, but if I had to choose Azubuike or Ellis
Fav. All Time Warrior? Why?
Probably Chris Mullin. He's the only big time Warrior I’ve ever met in person really. I just remember his basketball camps that my brother always did.
Fav. Moment?
Most recently when we made it to the playoffs! Damn we were so close!
Worst moment as a Warriors fan?
Don’t really have a worst moment as a Warriors Fan

What's your feelings on the current Ownership/Management of the Warriors?
I currently have no feelings, but I am optimistic about the recent draft…We might have a good run next year!
You're named Warriors GM, How would you improve the team? What changes do you think need to be made?
O, I don't think they would want to put me as GM….but we do need a winning team, I know that…To bring up the spirits of Oakland! And go.
You can bring any current NBA player to the Warriors, who would it be?
Lebron or Kobe would be killer, hands down….But since that's not gonna happen…Carmelo would do.
Finish the sentence, When the warriors win the championship, I will…..?
Hopefully be in attendance!
Do you Visit Warriorsworld.net?
I didn’t know about it before, but I will visit now!
BANG!! With the sound of the starting gun; they’re off, 10 lanes with 10 Olympic hopefuls. As the runners start to fall into position; strategizing over the next straight away sprint, one athlete has clearly pulled away from the crowd. From Oakland, California, we know her as…“Backside”. Such a fitting name; for the person holding the number one spot, as she pulls even further away from the pack. With every stride, she leaves you behind… and all you can see is… her back side.
As the heptathlon contestants find their way around the first bend, you can see the courage and passion in the eyes of Backside. She plans to finish the one and only obvious victor. Tonight… there will be no photo finish.
Now consider the fortitude, the determination, the desire of an Olympic dreamer. Now apply that to Bay Area Disc Jockey, Dj Backside. Also include the training for perfection, the willpower to persevere, the strength to adapt and the knowledge to evolve. With that, it isn’t hard to understand how Backside is synonymous with say…Florence Griffith Joyner or in a more entertainment / media based way, Oprah. All three of these women, in their own way, embody a varied range of interests and have made humbling sacrifices to propel them to the level where we regard them today.
Just like a heptathlon (seven different events) athlete, Dj Backside is a myriad of eclectic idiosyncrasies… sort of like a computer nerd, the head captain of the team and an honor roll student wrapped into a Dj. Aside from masterminding the club scene, Backside is an aspiring fashion designer that has effectively launched the “GOT BAY” line of urban wear. She is currently expanding the “GOT BAY” catalog as found on www.IGOTBAY.com. Also, Backside has been a consistent factor in the growth of independent artists by single handedly releasing 16 mix tapes since the beginning of her career in 2002. Adding some depth to her resume, she periodically writes as a columnist for Ozone Magazine and keeps the peoples ear to the street via her daily blog on www.DjBackside.com. As of most recently she has been perfecting her blends and mixes; giving the public, by way of at least 15 syndicated “Super Radio” radio stations across the United States of America, music straight from the crates. In addition to that she has been, on frequent occasions, the Dj for world renowned hip hop artist, MC Lyte. With that being said, putting her hand into pre and post production seems to be the next natural step in her constant progression as an entertainment / media mogul.
From performing at “The Ministry of Sound” in Taipei, Taiwan to “Club Proton” and “Diva Palace” in Stuttgart, Germany to various venues in the San Francisco Bay Area to BET’s “Rap City the Basement” in New York to BET’s “Spring Bling Dj Competition” in West Palm Beach, Florida to representing her Oakland, California roots on MTV’s “My Block, The Bay”, Dj Backside operates as if in a race around the world. Traveling from city to city, from state to state, from country to country, Dj Backside is like a long distance runner that finds her zone after the first mile…
Once the music comes on, she’s focused… look out for the second wind!