I’m gonna keep this short and simple… We’re launching a new series on the site titled, “Warriorsworld Summer Kick Back Sessions”, you ask, “what the hell does that mean?”… and to that I reply, it is an opportunity for you to come hang out with your favorite Athlete/Celebrity and enjoy free food & drinks.
For the debut episode, we got Dorell Wright of the Warriors coming through to hang out and chill with everyone.
We will be picking 5 winners and all you have to do to enter the contest is send me an email at WarriorsWorldSummerKickBack@Gmail.com answering the following question:
Why are you a Dorell Wright fan? and Why should we pick you?
We will choose 5 winners who will get to come hang out with Dorell on Tuesday June 7, 2011 from 5pm-630pm. Make sure you are available to attend before you enter the contest.
Contest closes Thursday! Winners will be announced on Friday.
Good Luck to everyone!
What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thakns for posting!
I got that viral photo of his “man region” tattooed right above my own. So, we’re already kind of kicking it 24/7.
I said from day one of last seasons off season that the best SF we could pick up by value that was a FA would be Dorell Wright (check GSoM!). He is a truly versatile player that has helped out team in every facet: offense, defense, off the court. He is still very young, and has a chance to become a star with his great athleticism, and is showing everyone what’s up. Keep up the great work Dorell, you’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg!
I am a DWright fan because he does everything Stephen Jackson did for this team with higher efficiency and minus the attitude. What more could you ask for? Also hear DWright is really into House/Trance, by far the best musical genre in the entire universe. Go Dubs!
I’m a fan because he plays the game of basketball the Wright way. Further more he plays first person shoot and I would love to show him my skills and take his money. In addition, he just seem like a cool guy to hang out with. He seems to know a lot of girls too which makes it 10x more fun.
Youre the one with the barins here. Im watching for your posts.
hahah whooops
Why are you a Dorell Wright fan? and Why should we pick you?
I’m a Dorell fan because of what he brings to the Warriors and to the game of basketball. With the way he plays – it’s what the Dubs definitely needed and
as a die hard Warrior fan, it makes coming to Oracle a great and exciting experience whenever I get a chance to go. From his SPECTACULAR three-point shooting, DEADLY fakes, JAW DROPPING alley-oops from long distances, and added DEFENSE to the Warriors; “it’s where Amazing happens” and I really try to model my game after him.
You should pick me because it’s summer and I really want to kick it with one of my favorite players! Anything with the Golden State Warriors and I’m there! This will be something that I will remember for the rest of my life. I hope you pick me!
– Jericho Herrera
Twitter: @JerichoGSW