I’m gonna keep this short and simple… We’re launching a new series on the site titled, “Warriorsworld Summer Kick Back Sessions”, you ask, “what the hell does that mean?”… and to that I reply, it is an opportunity for you to come hang out with your favorite Athlete/Celebrity and enjoy free food & drinks.
For the debut episode, we had Dorell Wright of the Warriors who came through to hang out. Last week we brought out Matt Steinmetz, Marcus Thompson II, Marc Spears and Ethan Sherwood Strauss.
This week we provide you the opportunity to come chill and hang out with the legend Dan Dibley. Plus you never know which surprise guests might stop by.
We will be picking 5 winners and all you have to do to enter the contest is send me an email at WarriorsWorldSummerKickBack@Gmail.com telling me my why you want to attend.
We will choose 5 winners who will get to come hang out on Tuesday June 28, 2011 from 5pm-630pm. Make sure you are available to attend before you enter the contest.
Contest closes Sunday!
Good Luck to everyone!