Warriorsworld.net was started in the spring of 2001 as a continuation of the Warriors discussion board formerly run by Harold. The site has seen many changes over the years, but the spirit of the die hard warriors fan still lives. Many contributors to the forum are still the originals dating back nearly a decade.
Warriorsworld is an open forum for discussion of the Golden State Warriors. It is lightly moderated, and leaves it to the community to set the standards for what is right. Be prepared to take your lumps, make new friends, learn something new, and stay a while.
You can follow us on Twitter @warriorsworld
Background on the folks behind the site…
Rasheed M.: Community Manager
Born and raised in the Bay Area currently residing on the Peninsula, I Represent the younger demographic of Warrior Fans which means I’ve witnessed nothing but bad basketball for most of my life.
Warriorsworld.net’s main contributor in terms of interviews, Q&A’s and team related events. Youth counselor by day, grad school by night which along with the Warriors and my significant other take up all my time.