Can't say anyone has come forward to defend Ridder and the Warriors organization until now.  A new poster, not from the Warriors office I checked, come forth with some strong words for members of the media.



Posted by Marvin Destin on 2009-05-26 11:15:37

I am a season ticket holder but have zero connection to the Warrior Franchise. No one is putting me up to this. Im doing this simply because I fed up with the ignorance of the so called writers in this area. One would think they know sports since the newspapers (going out of business) have them doing that. See Parenthesis for perspective.

This post started when I read Rattos article dissing some guy from the Warrior front office posted anonymously to this board and had the supposed nerve to post positive things about the Warriors. The holy hell that the writers then spew on this guy and the franchise and everyone in it made me want to throw up. One would think these bozos are paragons of truth, purveyors on nothing but facts and real information and actually know more than the avid fans. Far from it. Fact is they type with one hand while looking at themselves in the mirror on their desk.

Tim Kawakami is about as knowledgeable about the things he writes about as he is about quantum physics.And he was the leaders of the villagers heading up the hill with their burning pitchforks. It is to rattos discredit that he devoted an article to Kawakamis ongoing attempt to prove hes important while oozing nothing but narcissism from his columns. Snarky smarm and gotcha questions arent knowledge.

I listened to the question and answer broadcast and frankly many of the questions asked were literally ones I would have asked had I been selected to be on the broadcast. The Warrior mgmt is accused of "planting" questioners. Why dont they specify WHICH question was planted. Thats because they cant. They only seek to create suspicion. None of the questions were set ups. Some were fairly tough. I thought. ya think the question to Rowell about why hes still with the team was a plant?

As the series about the 1975 Warriors Championship team graces the Sporting Green Im reminded about that year which was the first year we got season tickets buying part of a friends package.

Go back and read the sports writers opinions about that team going into the season. Nothing has changed.

You also have to understand that all the Warriors have to do to get endless praise from the politically correct to the death sports writers in this town is name a politically correct coach. See 49ers. Hire a politically correct GM. and with nothing else changing including the number of wins, the tone and tenor of the writers will automatically change. The Warriors will be hailed as brilliant.

What the writers in this town are guilty of is simple. They demand success but ignore how fragile even that has been for recent winners. See Chicago White Sox (World series)Chicago Bears(Superbowl). And judging from the wonderful comments they heap on the Dodgers (relative to the Giants)you would think the Dodgers are working on their third consecutive World Championship.

have you seen the ratto article about how the Celtics are stumblebum stupids because they didnt repeat? Oh they lost both their all pro center and their power forward. So why is it when Baron Davis leaves the love he experienced here (and 17 millionj guaranteed)for money and a contract hell never fulfill, and Monta exercises the stupid clause in his new fat contract and screws his team by risking his health, thereby between them wiping out 45 ppg and our leaders, forcing the team to desperately search to replace them at the last minute and throwing every other player into a new role on the team with no time to figure things out. When Al Harrington revolts and becomes a cancer at the same time.

The management being villified makes a great move and obtains Jamal Crawford, Cory Magette makes an incredible adjustment and comes off the bench and is nominated for best 6th man in some corners. Baron Davis plays about 20 effective games.

Our injuries never stopped all year. At the end we have 6 players with one suited up but unable to play. How many injuries did LA have all year. One. How about Cleveland? How about Orlando. As SOON as the Celtics had injuries they are out. See a pattern Ray and Tim?

Last year we won the most games for a team not making the playoffs in the league history. Managements fault? Baron choosing a party in LA over a critical game? Managements fault?

As for the future, all a team can do is judge abilities it sees on video. Every team watched the same video of Michael Jordan. Every team looked at the films of Joe Montana. When the warriors had the worst record in the NBA two years in a row they never got the first pick. One of those times they picked 7th. Then the league changed the rule so that couldnt happen to anyone else. When we finally got that first pick in the draft Tim Duncan decided to stay in school and be the only modern player to value a college degree over the contract of the number one pick. We got probably the worst best player in recent years. He was the best player that year but he wasnt a guarantee. Had Duncan been available think he would have been a Warrior? We now need a point guard. We had and incredible one, Gil Arenas. He had to go again because of a stupid rule that limited only what we could pay the guy. I believe that rule has been changed.

The team we have now is among the youngest in the league. At the end part of last season we had our whole team together for the first time and we were beating playoff bound teams.The players had begun to develop and even jell until a whole new wave of injuries wiped out the end of the season. We may have as much depth as any team in the league.

If we can get some luck from injuries who knows. And thats where the 75 NBA Championship comes in. Look at that team and look at the one we have now. Rick Barry would be the best on either team but the whole rest of the team we have now is arguably superior. Biedrins and Turiaff are better than Ray and Johnson and they are the first time we have had any depth whatsoever since Ray and Johnson.Who from that 75 team would you take over Stephen Jackson who is one of the best defensive players in the league? That would make for interesting subjects for articles. IF we had sportswriters writing about sports instead of typing with one hand.

My point is who gives a damn about some office guy posting positive but relatively innocuous things on a blog like this.

Is it a sin for someone in sports broadcasting to
spend half his show ragging about a team allowing famous hockey mom and VP candidate Sarah Palin to drop the first puck at a Philadelphia Flyer hockey game? Like we all care? Apparently not.

So it looks like the Kawakami and Ratto have a very selective form of outrage over people straying from the auspices of their employment.

I find it interesting how a newspaper that is going out of business keeps incompetents like Ratto so he can criticize an organization of a team that is not going out of business. What does that tell you about who knows what they are doing and who doesnt.