How Should The Warriors Handle the Monta Ellis Situation?


Let’s take a look at what the Warriorsworld community had to say:

I think the Monta situation is being blown out of proportion. Ever since his draft day, we’ve been hearing concerns about his character and this latest incident has people wondering whether or not it was a good decision to make this kid the face of the franchise.

And that’s all it really boils down to – he’s a kid. We know he didn’t grow up in the best area with the best people around him and that he didn’t get to experience the kind of growth that many people do in college. He made a mistake, lied about it to save himself, and got caught.

While that obviously doesn’t bode well, I honestly think Monta just didn’t know better. When he makes a poor decision on the court we tell ourselves that it’s ok because he’s still young and he’s learning how to play in the NBA. Why should we think any different when it comes to him learning things off the court?

The Warriors have every right to fully investigate the situation and if they do indeed Monta voided a stipulation in his contract, they need to punish him even if it means a suspension without pay. However, they shouldn’t see this one act as reason to label him a “problem player” and they shouldn’t try to void his contract or trade him ASAP.

Find out the full truth, suspend him if necessary, make sure he learns from it, and support him the rest of the way as the face of the franchise.

Make him apologize publically to the management, the team, and the fans. Don’t fine or suspend him, “encourage” him to donate to charity the equivalent of what they want to fine him.
If its career ending void the contract
If it will affect his speed/athleticism permanently, restructure his contract accordingly.
If he’s really coming back in about half a season at 100%, ask him to apologize to everyone, suspend him another 2 months without pay after he’s “healed”, effectively give the team a high pick.
Basketballer Rebbe
Both he and the team need to make a full public disclosure of exactly what happened ASAP.
I assume he’ll be given the best rehab available, and if he fully recovers, I could care less if he’s fined or suspended. It’s not going to help us a bit. If his speed or jumping ability or agility is reduced by the injury, we’re screwed and there’s nothing we can do about it. I’ve never heard of a contract being adjusted to compensate for things like this. Our only real option is in the unlikely and unfortunate case that he is completely unable to play, in which case we can void his contract. Our best option now is to pray fiercely that his recovery is complete or close to it.
If he will not have 100% of pre-injury athleticism, restructure his deal for a 1-yr team option for the 2nd year.

Dock him without pay for the time he misses. If he’s healed let him play.
First, a public statement and apology. Depending on how stupid he was, possible fine for the missed games. If it was more bad luck I might let the fine go. If the injury limits his skills as a player, the contract should be voided and renegotiated (all assumes injury from prohibited activity).
He should be publically caned by each and every STH, then forced to donate his suspended salary to local charities.
Warriors in 2010
Basically, I agree that Monta should come out and apologize to Mgmt/Fans/etc. And at the press conference the Warriors are there by Monta’s side supporting him all the way….

However, I think the Warriors have to protect themselves and say that they will support Monta every step of his comeback but in the case he can’t physically comeback 100% they will have the right to re-negotiate, terminate (one might have to come before the other) and work with the league and the player’s association as well as Monta and his agent. Every step of the way we will be on Monta’s side but of course with the caveat that we will be looking out for the best interests of the team as well.

Fine him the amount of money he’d make for the games missed plus an additional 10% of his contract for the season as something extra.

No suspension because missing the games due to the injury should be bad enough.

I’d like to think he learned a lesson.

I agree with the apology/team support stuff, and possible further action should the injury not heal properly and affect his abilities.


I don’t like the double standard being shown here, and it is largely
conjecture on my part, but if a player other than Monta – say a
contract eater like Foyle – had done the same, there is no way in hell
the W’s wouldn’t void the contract. Cohan and Rowell would give each
other reach-arounds in the private corporate bathrooms with hand gel.

But since it’s Monta, the W’s are handling this with kid glove. Don’t
want to upset their star. The NBA needs to institute better ways for
teams to get out of bad contracts or have a more uniform mode of
operation when an event like this happens. It’s not totally fair, imo.

I’d void the fucker, if it were up to me. That’s a long contract to pay out if you don’t know the end result, like Grant Hill.


Monta should come out and apologize to the fans and organization for
the way he handled things. It will show that he has takes
responsibility for his actions, and that he will learn from this
mistake. He doesn’t need to say how he was injured, as long as he makes
it known that he realizes what he did was wrong. Then he sits out the
games he will be injured for, and gets suspended another month on top
of that without pay.
